Alan George @ SFMOMA Cafe

Located at 151 Third Street, Caffè Museo is open Friday through Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Closed Wednesdays).

Alan George-sfmoma

As an extension of the SFMOMA Artists Gallery’s exhibition program at Fort Mason, solo shows featuring selected Gallery artists are on view year-round at SFMOMA’s Caffè Museo.

Alan George’s photos of big, wide, previously inhabited landscapes carry special appeal.  With a subtle, easy palette and a hint of ironic humor, they seduce the viewer, directing him or her into an environment, emphasizing point of view rather than the object itself. The compositional themes are simple but potent.  The photos often convey solitude, and emptiness, however, the lack of human life is not all that uncomfortable.  What remains in these uninhabited spaces, takes on a living presence of its own, leaving the viewer with optimism and a sense that life is still going on.